Average Life Expectancy in China Hits 77.93 Yrs

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Average Life Expectancy in China Hits 77.93 Yrs

 July 6, 2022

BEIJING, July 5 (Xinhua) — Chinese people's average life expectancy has increased to 77.93 years, a senior health official said on Tuesday.

In 2016 when China rolled out the Healthy China 2030 blueprint, the figure was 76.5.

China leads middle and high-income countries in major health indicators, and targets for 2020 set in the blueprint have been achieved in general, said Mao Qun'an, deputy head of the office for the promotion of the Healthy China initiative, at a press conference.

In briefing the achievements in advancing the initiative, Mao said a policy system for health promotion has taken shape, health risk factors have been brought under effective control, the capability of providing people with health services throughout the health continuity has been substantially improved, and major diseases have been effectively controlled.


(Source: Xinhua)


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