Playoff hopes fading for troubled Crusaders in Super Rugby Pacific

Views: | Time:2024-06-03 18:11:04

WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) — After dominating Super Rugby for more than two decades, the Christchurch-based Crusaders have fallen into a funk this season from which they seem unable to extract themselves.

The Crusaders are in last place after nine rounds of the current Super Rugby Pacific season with only one win. They face the fourth-place Melbourne Rebels in the 10th round on Saturday.

The Crusaders’ sudden fall from grace has come with the usual baggage: fan anger and resentment, bitter recriminations from former players and calls for current head coach Rob Penney to go.

The Crusaders’ management have pushed back strongly against critics and pointed out with justification that Penney can’t be expected to carry the can. There are many issues contributing to the Crusaders’ decline and sacking the coach likely won’t turn things around.

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